As people age, they are naturally prone to becoming frailer and more dependent on others. This is especially true for those with dementia or cognitive impairment that impairs their ability to complete daily activities without assistance. That places a lot of responsibility on the caretaker’s shoulders as they must ensure the patient has proper medical treatment, food, hygiene, and nutrition. Unfortunately, this can be extremely exhausting for some caregivers who may not have family or friends around them to assist in dealing with these demands. For those looking for Companionship care for the Elderly, here is a list of five benefits:


Socializing is so important for everyone, especially older adults who may feel isolated or lonely due to lack of mobility or the death/illness of loved ones. For many seniors, their children have left home to start families themselves. Some retirees may even feel they have nothing meaningful to ‘do’ with no grandchildren around. For instance, the companionship care in Jacksonville Florida, allows the elderly to get out of the house and interact with others without feeling like they are imposing or distracting from family time.


Dignity might seem like a strange benefit, but it is extremely important. Older adults deserve dignity – especially when they can no longer care for their own needs. For instance, the Excellsior Home Health in Jacksonville, Florida will help the elderly to bathe, dress, and feed. Therefore, they feel dignified for as long as possible during their senior years.


The biggest fear for almost any older adult is loss of independence. Most older people wish to stay in their homes for as long as possible, but after an illness or injury that makes them unable to care for themselves anymore, many find themselves moving into assisted living facilities where they get little say over what happens to them. For at Excellsior Home Health, the companionship care can help prevent that from happening by staying with them in their own homes and helping them maintain their lifestyle as much as possible.

Improved Health

Feeling like you have a purpose is extremely beneficial to your health – especially the elderly (but everyone). A companion provides some social stimulation and provides physical stimulation through activities such as walking and shopping. To keep seniors feeling lively and motivated, companionship care providers often plan social and fun activities for seniors that get them out of the house. That helps improve seniors’ health on multiple levels.

Peace of Mind

When it comes to peace of mind, seniors know that someone they feel comfortable with will be there for them if they need anything or don’t feel well. Companionship care providers are often with seniors for multiple hours per day, so they are always available when extra help is needed.
When people think of companionship care, they often don’t realize its benefits to the elderly, looking for an alternative option to having regular home health care. While many families want nothing more than to have their elderly loved ones remain in their homes, it may not be possible if a family is too busy with work and finds it difficult to take off to provide needed care for their loved ones. However, by getting in touch with Excellsior Home Health, you can assured that your loved receive a peace of mind, improved health, socialization and dignity.